Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Virtue Of Virgo

The Virtue of Virgo

Virgo. What an energy! One of the most complex of all of the zodiac signs, Virgo is mutable and earthy. Of all of the Earth signs, it is, in some ways, the least “stuck” on its own position. Though it can go the distance, there is a measure of flexibility here.
Virgo loves the process; loves creating a pattern that can be followed over and over. Order is synonymous with this practical and hardworking energy. This is the energy of analysis.
More importantly, however, is the relationship of Virgo to healing. When I meet someone with a load of Virgo energy, I listen very carefully to the words that they use when communicating. Invariably, I have found that in that particular and attentive soul, lies the need to serve, to heal, to nourish. Think about the time of year that the Sun transits this section of the zodiac. In the Northern hemisphere it is a time of fruition. The air is full of the scent of the full and ripened earth. The fields are ready to yield their harvest. And what is more healing than freshly harvested food and the ability to enjoy a warm and pleasant outdoors?
On the highest of levels, this is Goddess energy, pure and simple. Virgo understands ritual and, in order to connect to spirit, we need ritual and those who can work the ritual. Come on in, Virgo. We have all heard the cliché, “God is in the details”. Well, guess who gets the details right? Virgo!
The shadow side of Virgo is, for sure, the tendency to sink into criticism, to nit-pick, nag and chew away at something until everyone else runs out of the room screaming. Enough already, Virgo, they shriek. But, here’s the thing. Virgo has an innate sense of what works and if it is confronted with something less than this, it is a challenge to maintain detachment and allow mistakes to be made. Have you noticed how tight lipped some strongly Virgoan folks can be? That’s them clamping their mouths shut to prevent those words from slipping out! The real reason that anyone falls into criticism is because they strongly desire everything to be …PERFECT. This longing for perfection can then lead to discontent whether expressed externally or nurtured within the self. The solution is, as always, to focus on what does work even when there is lots not working. Life lesson? Acceptance, of course.

If you have Virgo prominent in your birth mandala, this could well be a crazy time for you. The planet, Uranus, has been transiting Virgo’s polarity sign, Pisces, since March, 2003. Uranus is the archetype of shift and change and usually associated with a degree of fracture. For Virgo, with its need for order, systems and regularity, this ‘rebel without a cause’ energy must feel overwhelming and discombobulating. Here are some of the ways that you may be feeling at this point in time & simple solutions you can try:

--Nothing seems to make sense & when it does settle down, something happens to skew you off course yet again
solution: detach from outcome & focus on developing trust

--Your emotions are like a roller coaster and you can’t find your ground
Solution: make a cup of herbal tea & take a salt bath
(A good combination of herbs to promote calm is: mint, lemon balm, catnip, sage & a bit of honey. Be mindful of catnip as it is a strong sedative in humans. One cup before sleep can do wonders for your system.)
Secondary solution: Pour this stress energy into a task like purging & cleaning.

--Your head is full of ideas but you can’t always make sense of them or you may feel like you have lost your mind
Solution: carry a tiny journal to jot down flashes as they occur
Focus on the immediate concern; resist obsessive compulsive thinking
--Nothing feels secure in your relationship life
Solution: love the one you’re with & don’t over think the future

--You keep running into obstacles and even having accidents
Solution: take time out to do breath work (10 minutes as needed).
Pause before running head on into whatever you think needs doing.

Uranus is a slow moving planet so he will be activating Virgo by opposition until March 2011. At all times, the key to integrating Uranian energy is to move into a place of detachment from outcome. Trust that once the earthquake is over, you will still be standing and you may even be aware of things that needed to be brought out into the light.

Star Crossings: What’s the deal, Mercury?

Every Zodiac sign has a planet (celestial object) associated to it. Last month we explored the Sun as it is the ‘planet’ associated with Leo. This month we will take a peek at what that pesky little fellow, Mercury, is up to as this is the planet associated with Virgo.

Mercury represents the mind within the persona. How we think, reason and communicate are all aspects of the mental body. No one part of the psyche or entity is more important than any other. We cannot forfeit our reasoning ability just so that we can experience love. On the other hand, we cannot turn our back on emotion just because our head cannot logic its way through the experience. We cannot deny out spiritual needs just so that our physical body is nourished. On the other hand, denying our physical body does not always lead to spiritual illumination. The integrated personality is one that honours all parts of the energy system and provides itself with what it needs on all levels of existence. No wonder that when we block or deny on one level, we can feel the effects on other levels. Things like depression, anxiety, denial, dislocation are all potential side effects when we do not acknowledge truth. In the personality matrix, the condition of our individual Mercury placement can reveal a lot about the way we get our ideas across, how we interconnect with others and our general thinking process.

The transits of Mercury are rapid and he is either catching up to the Sun during the orbital year or running ahead of him, but never by more than about 2 signs either way. However, since he moves so quickly, we may only mildly feel anything energetically unless we are strongly ‘mercurial’, that is Mercury ruled or with a highly accentuated Mercury energy.

One exception to this is when the little fellow decides to ‘go retrograde’. Obviously, he is not actually moving backwards literally but because of the relationship between the Earth and the other planets in the solar system, we have the experience of backward motion from our vantage point here on the earth.

So what’s the deal with Mercury Retrograde? Firstly, let’s understand that Mercury is a mini-activator within the energy field. When he transits points within the psyche, you can have something like the experience of a light-bulb being turned on. Or you might get a message, either literally or figuratively within yourself. A Mercury transit could signal a time to make a deal, form a partnership or do some data work. When this planet appears to be ‘moving backwards’, all of these sorts of things are either up for review or perhaps just take a pause. Example: you are in the midst of signing a contract, maybe for a home purchase. Suddenly you realize that Mercury will be turning retrograde. Do not panic. Just do your do diligence and carefully and meticulously review all aspects of the deal. You may find that the deal dies but it may be in your favour for it to do so. When you review, you may notice a major oversight and thus have the opportunity to correct it. It is true that everyone has a story about the mini disasters that they have experienced when Mercury was retrograde but I feel that mindfulness can allay much of the chaos. Remember, Mercury is connected to logic and order, reasoning ability, so doing a bit of prep work in advance by ensuring that everything is in order can be very helpful. So, rather than being victim to the slings and arrows of fortune, keep track of the retrograde periods of Mercury ( 3x/year) and make preparation. Ensure that your computer is backed up. Keep your desktop clean and tidy. File your important papers properly and always in the same way. Creating pattern and order within your daily life will go a long way when dealing with ‘backwardness’. So, when is Mercury’s next retrograde period? The last three weeks of September.

Mercury will be moving through the last few degrees of Virgo and then into Libra over the next month period. Once in Libra, he will turn retrograde for three weeks. At the time that I send out the Libra e-letter, he will still be retrograde, back in the sign of Virgo and ready to turn direct, get back into Libra and gallop away.

Wherever these energies are located in your own birth mandala, is where you could feel any of the things that I described above in your life. If you have Mercury either in Virgo or Libra, this is a time of mental renewal for you. You could take the time to reflect on some of your mental goals and make any adjustments to your actual thinking process. Maybe you have let things slip organizationally. Use this opportunity to make adjustments in this area.

One thing that I have noticed with the transits of Mercury is that I have often received some sort of news when he was transiting either my 1/7 house pair and even sometimes my 3/9 house pair. People have told me secrets, old friends have resurfaced, relatives have suddenly reappeared! But, for the most part, this is a pretty innocuous little fellow, more of a nuisance than a trauma. And, even if the news is not so great, the transit is quick and the discomfort, if any exists, passes rapidly. To track this transit more specifically, dig out your birth chart and locate where, in that chart, Virgo and Libra fall. Here is a quick cheat sheet list for strategies to enact for each house.

When Mercury transits through house
1: enact plans
2: analyze resources
3: intellectual curiousity is heightened; stay open
4: increased activity at home; enjoy (hopefully)
5: potential focus on fun; be ready to play
6: opportunity to pay attention to the details
7: perspective can be gained through dialogue
8: tackle those deep, intensive projects
9: plan ahead
10: step into the limelight and be heard
11: the brilliance of networking
12: a good time for a retreat

Next month, I will focus on Libra and the celestial object associated with this energy, Venus.

Affirmation for the Month

I use my ability in the service of others.


I am determined
To create
And prosperity
For the healing
Of the peoples
Of the earth

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